By The Angry Blackman
AIIIIIGHT…ENOUGH with the dumbass reality shows already!
Don’t get me wrong, the RIGHT reality show can be pretty entertaining. And the reality shows that used to air when it was still a fairly new phenomenon were particularly ROFL-worthy. Hell, I used to watch “Temptation Island” on the regular, only because I got some pretty good laughs watching happy couples think that being placed on an island with “beautiful people”, purposely separated and then made to endure serious tests of their love was a good idea.
But somewhere along the line, it became trendy to give ANYBODY a damn reality show. Be honest, you HAD to have known that things had hit rock-bottom when VH-1 gave New York and her ugly ass momma their own show…please, I’ve seen more personality in a dead aardvark than that chain-smoking hoebag (and SERIOUSLY, why IS her momma so damn ugly? Her face looks like something I stepped in at a kennel…lookin’ like somebody dipped a gargoyle in fudge…).
Here are the Top 5 reality shows pissing me off the most these days:
• The T.O. Show – lemme be clear…I CANNOT STAND Terrell “Male Diva” Owens as it is, so tell me again why I would be interested in a weekly glimpse into his PERSONAL life? Nevermind that much of the show seems forced and scripted…the whole show is just BORING as all hell. In fact, it’s EASIER to simply list all the things I’d RATHER be doing than watching this damn clown showcase: getting a root canal...shaving Star Jones’ back...having my throat scraped with a dull rusty scalpel….uh, getting a tax audit from Bill O'Reilly…you get the idea.
• ”Real Housewives Of…” Anywhere – Atlanta, New Jersey, Orange County, I don’t care…LITERALLY, I don’t care. Why should I concern myself with the doings of some spoiled rich suburban skanks? These heifers have no redeeming value other than to TRY to look pretty for the camera, which is a stretch considering that, facially, most of them look like something the dog threw up, examined, ate again, and then threw up again.
• “Real Chance At Love” – seriously, who told these two lame ass herberts that they had the right appeal for not only ONE season, but a return season? What coonery, watching a bunch of disingenuous chickens cluck over two classless retards who otherwise likely couldn’t get hired cleaning out the fry bins at Arby’s. “I really love Chance, I feel this real connection with him….”…TRICK, NO YOU DON’T! How can you feel a connection with somebody you just met three hours ago? Get off the damn airwaves, you loo-HOOO-sers….
• My Super Sweet 16”- arguably one of THE worst offenders on the list. A bunch of over-privileged, obnoxiously rotten teens plan their overpriced birthday parties, throw tantrums at their parents for “ruining their lives”, and YET by the end of the show they’re driving off in brand new $70,000 luxury vehicles. Yeah, life’s fair….I’d only recommend this show if you’re fond of screaming at your television.
• “Bridezillas” – hey yeah, let’s watch the gang of high-strung bitchy bride-to-be’s yell at their loved ones, henpeck their grooms-to-be and generally make life miserable for everyone all in the name of “making HER day perfect”! How enjoyable, right? Seriously, I’d rather you cut off my eyelids and keep taking my picture with a camera with a bright ass flash….
So enough with the wack reality shows already. With each successive new show, it’s like these networks aim solely to broadcast THE MOST sensationalist bullcrap possible so as to boost ratings….what’s next, live human sacrifices in front of a firing squad? I can see it now: “Don’t miss ‘Who Wants To Catch A Hot One?’, Thursdays on FOX!...”
(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by The Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of thenewblacklove.com or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)
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