Sunday, October 18, 2009

FEATURE: “Once A Cheater….Always A Cheater?”

“Fell in love with this fish who got caught in my mesh
But yo she burned my scene up like David Koresh
I guess a diamond ain't nothing but a rock with a name
I guess love ain't nothin’ but emotion and game…”

- Trugoy the Dove of De La Soul, from “Itzsoweezee”

It’s safe to assume that everyone either has been cheated on, or knows someone who has. The De La sentiments above only work to bolster the idea that some people will never have true and honorable intentions when they try to get with you. They just ain’t no good, and don’t know no better.

Cheating, or unfaithfulness in a committed relationship, is an unmitigated sin, a violation that can most times be unforgivable. People who cheat do so for a wide variety of reasons. Whether they are unsympathetic, narcissistic, just selfish by nature or are simply drama seekers, all cheaters are motivated by the same common desire of self-gratification above all else. In this respect, the cheater will always blame everyone and everything else BUT themselves. Ask them why they cheated and they will most likely try to blame their infidelity on the relationship itself (“he/she was too bossy/controlling/was never there for me”), or possibly even the circumstances surrounding why they cheated (“I was drunk/it was just a fling”). They make excuses instead of taking personal culpability for making the mistake.

I love the show “Cheaters” (even though I can’t stand Joey Greco) because it not only showcases the sheer selfishness of the cheater, but also it exposes the inferior sensibility of the careless cheater. People who cheat are usually sloppy about it and, in that respect, do some pretty stupid things that lead to them getting busted. Once the private investigator exposes them, it becomes clear that they pretty much didn’t think their underhandedness through well or clearly enough. They’re so blinded by their own sojourn for self-satisfaction that they forget to cover up their footprints on the trail of deception. Oftentimes, cheaters will sabotage the fling themselves because they want to get caught.

"Second-Time Around"

Okay, so…what about the love life of a POST-cheater? That is, if someone cheats on their mate once, are they no good forever after that? Does the ideology of “once a cheater, always a cheater” apply universally?

When it comes to someone trying to establish (or reestablish) a relationship with a cheater, there are two sensibilities which are most prevalent:

• “They did it before, they’ll do it again.” We’ve already discussed how cheaters rarely blame themselves for the cheating because of their selfishness and propensity to put themselves first. Well, if a cheater refuses to change that aspect of themselves, then likely, yes, “once a cheater always a cheater” will always apply. Why? Because a person who always puts themselves before their mate will never find satisfaction in ANY relationship. So if your mate thinks that way, the truth is that that’s not even an ideology you can compete with. A person like that is better off being single until they grow out of that sensibility. Even if a cheater genuinely loves the person they cheat on, they will always put their own needs and desires ahead of those of their partner due to their “me first” line of thinking. This also explains why cheaters won’t end one relationship in order to pursue another. Rather, they’ll often deceive two people in order to get what they want. A cheater wants to have their cake and eat it too, and usually doesn’t give a damn about the repercussions or who gets hurt in the process.

• “If they cheated WITH you, they’ll cheat ON you”. This is perhaps the most puzzling aspect of beginning a relationship with someone you KNOW has a history of cheating. See logic dictates that, if this person cheated with you on ANOTHER person - lying to and probably hurting that other person in the process – it’s safe to assume that, at some point, they would treat you the same way. What makes you so special that YOUR love exclusively will change their selfish ways? Nah, too many people let their EGOS get in the way of common sense, convincing themselves that “oh, but I’m different than all the others”, or even “he/she KNOW better than to do that to ME!” I’m not saying it’s impossible to find lifelong happiness with someone who cheated on someone else to be with you...but the odds of such a union going the distance are virtually slim and none. Quite simply, you can’t build a solid foundation on a rocky slope; rather, you can’t hope to establish something meaningful and true with someone when your entire relationship with that person was BORNE out of deception.

Trying to gauge whether a cheater deserves a second chance also depends greatly on the circumstances under which that person cheated in the first place. Was it maliciously done, or was it an aberration? Only you will know whether or not someone seems genuine and sincere enough to warrant giving the benefit of the doubt. In such instances it is paramount that you use your best judgment, making sure your best judgment is steeped in common sense.

“A Change Gon’ Come…”

Can a leopard change its stripes? That is, can a person who cheated in the past truly be expected to change for the better?

Change in a person is always possible, but can be very difficult. It involves that person experiencing significant self-reflection and personal insight, as well as requiring them to work hard and put forth the effort and commitment necessary to reflect true change. Sometimes this may require counseling, particularly if the cheater’s shortcomings stem from some deep-seeded mental issues, such as experiences from their childhood or with their parents.

In a perfect world, someone unhappy in a relationship would just LEAVE their mate instead of sneaking around behind their mate’s back. But the world ain’t perfect. The good news is, people CAN change old destructive habits, and cheaters are no different. Whether or not a cheater can change is completely up to the individual. A cheater accepting responsibility for their past infidelity can help determine if that person truly wants to change…or if they’re apt to do it again. As such, someone entertaining thoughts of gettin’ with (or getting BACK with) a former cheater needs to pose the following questions to both themselves AND their partner:

• Have they acknowledged that they’ve cheated before?
• Do they show remorse for their past cheating?
• Have they made amends for their cheating?
• Has there been closure with the person cheated on?
• How much can you trust them?

That last one is imperative. You have to be able to gauge the trust level in this person. Was their crime heinous enough that, if it had happened to you, it would be impossible for you to forgive them? What constitutes an “unforgivable” cheating scenario to you? These are all hard questions that must be asked in such a situation.

Look, if somebody cheats on one partner it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will cheat on the next partner. However, unless they adequately address the root causes of their past cheating there is a good chance they will do it again in a new relationship. A cheater who wants to change must submit themselves to true soul searching and take responsibility for the harm they have done to another. They must stop trying to rationalize their behavior and instead accept blame for their shortcomings.

In all instances, using your best judgment based on the facts and circumstances involved will serve you the greatest. In other words, trust your gut. And most importantly, don’t make excuses for that person simply because “you love them”….that’s simply not enough….

…and lovin’ someone ain’t got nothin’ to do with being SMART enough to prevent them from taking advantage of you.

SIDEBAR: “Heard It All Before”: The Top Ten Excuses For Cheating

Cheaters never win, and they also never change the lame excuses they use to explain away their actions. Rarely will they ever place the blame on themselves…it’s always someone else’s fault that they, the cheater, strayed from fidelity.

Here are the top ten excuses cheaters give for doing someone dirty:

1. “I don't love you/am not in love with you anymore.” Loss of affection remains at the top of the list. The cheater is quick to give up on someone in whom they’ve “lost interest”.

2. “It's not you, it's me.” This is an age-old ploy on the part of the cheater. By trying to attribute their infidelity to some inexplicable “personal issue”, cheaters conveniently absolve themselves from causing hurt feelings in their partner.

3. “I need some space.” This excuse is most prominently used by those cheaters who don’t necessarily want to give up on their partner ENTIRELY, but rather, who would rather create an environment where they are less likely to be CAUGHT.

4. “You deserve better.” Aaaah, good ol’ self-depreciation. Nothing throws the blame off of a cheater faster than saying that they (the cheater) are unworthy of their partner’s affections. Such reverse psychology often proves pretty successful, too…it’s the perfect sucker punch.

5. “We were just friends.” HA! As if this excuse will make the cheating seem not as bad! In many instances, the “cheating with friends” scenario is even more painful given that said friend might have even been YOUR friend, or a friend to you both, and was frequently all up in your face with false kindness…all while they were secretly doin’ your Boo behind your back.

6. “You don't listen to me.” Oh yeah, THIS is brilliant. So instead of confronting the communication lapse head-on, a partner instead goes out and has a fling with someone else? Too easy.

7. “You don't need me.” See #4. This excuse is like a sleight of hand, it’s the “card trick” of relationships.

8. “I'm having a mid-life crisis.” Only works if you’re, yunno, ACTUALLY mid-life. Not very effective or believable when you’re in your early 20s.

9. “I can't help myself.” Perhaps the WORST excuse of all. It essentially relegates the cheater to the role of helpless victim of their own psyche.

10. “It doesn't mean anything.” The cheater will trivialize the reason why they strayed as being “not important” such that it shouldn’t be an issue. This is the epitome of selfishness because it is so dismissive in nature…almost like the cheater is suggesting “Aaaah, don’t worry about it, it’s not that big of a deal…”

"The Peeves"

Rantings from the maddest brotha on the planet

By The Angry Blackman

In this age of the H1N1 virus and other flu-related maladies, it’s more important than ever that people step their game up when it comes to their hygiene habits. Particularly now that we’re approaching the winter months, when cold and sickness is almost unavoidable for most of us. From our co-workers to our family members, everyone should be more mindful of the welfare of others and curtail their disgusting practices.

Let’s face it…some people are just flat-out NASTY. I’m talkin’ about that no home training, “if your momma saw you doing that she’d slap your face” kind of nasty. Truly, their hygienic habits leave much to be desired. These are the type of people who frequently commit one of the following “cardinal sins of hygiene”:

• Using public restrooms and leaving without washing their hands. This really kills me. How you gon’ walk your triflin’ ass from the urinal or stall, and go STRAIGHT out the door? So I’m supposed to grab the door handle AFTER you? I mean damn, is it too much to ask that you at least pull out some hand sanitizer? People who do this at restaurants are the worst, how can you possibly use a PUBLIC facility and then go back and touch your FOOD? It’s like they have absolutely no concept of what a damn germ is….

• Sneezing or coughing without covering their nose/mouth. How irritating is this, eh? I mean dude, are you TRYING to get everyone else sick? This is a common sense courtesy that even a trained monkey would recognize. Seriously, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that NOBODY wants an extra serving of snot on their slacks just because you’re an inconsiderate bastard. And….you know how you expel a small bit of spittle into the air when you cough without covering your mouth? Yeah, so do we. So knock it off….

• Scratching self/picking nose/digging in butt in public. Oh yeah, now THIS is attractive. Oooh, nothing turns a guy on more than watching some woman standing on the train platform, digging her drawers outta her ass, right? And it’s always appealing to see a fast food worker with a finger up their nose as they reach for your large fries, isn’t it? And certainly, NOBODY wants to see that guy who scratches his crotch in a crowded supermarket, and then smells his fingers…ugh…..these are the type of things you do in the privacy of your own HOME, not on the Jumbo-Tron at the Phillies game….

• Not wearing deodorant, or otherwise smelling like they don’t bathe/shower. Look, this isn’t France. In America we ENCOURAGE washing your ass, and doing so frequently. And don’t try spraying a whole bottle of cologne on top of your clothes, either, like it’s going to cover up that 3-day old funk. Nobody wants to stand in an elevator next to a guy who smells like a musty Avon rep. I mean, what grown ass man/woman doesn’t shower daily? Worse yet, how do you NOT know that you smell like a spokesperson for skunks nationwide? Hey, here’s a tip: if your pits enter the room before YOU do, you MIGHT wanna get down with the Speed Stick, okay?

• Spitting/hocking up loogies. Just inappropriate on so many levels. For one, most people don’t have any “projection control”…..meaning, they spit a loogie not really knowing WHERE it’s going to land, leaving anybody within their immediate circumference in jeopardy of catchin’ a bad one. Then, there’s NEVER an appropriate way to make that disgusting hocking noise….like, it’s virtually impossible to sound “sexy” when you’re bringing phlem from the back of your throat up to the surface. And have you ever seen a WOMAN do this? You think to yourself, “Damn honey, why not just scratch your BALLS while you’re at it, eh?”

Look, people….public health is everyone’s responsibility. So next time you see that guy in IHOP trying to walk straight outta the restroom after taking a dump, do your civic duty…stick a foot up his nasty punk ass while reminding him that “Dial” isn’t just that knob on the radio…

It’s for the greater good….

(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)

From The “World’s Biggest Idiots” File…Cop Steals Marijuana From Evidence, Makes 911 Call…

Hilarious! A police officer steals some marijuana from his precinct’s evidence locker and takes it home, where he and his wife proceed to make brownies out of it. They end up getting so blazed that they think they’re DYING, so they call 911 for an ambulance! The reporter laughing off camera can barely contain herself... can’t MAKE this stuff up, people!

Exclusive Clip Of Michael Jackson From “This Is It” Movie

Peep this exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage of Michael Jackson rehearsing “Human Nature” for his “This Is It” tour, taken from the movie of the same name.

Now mebbe it’s just ME, but this damn sure doesn’t look like a man who was supposedly "sickly", or even remotely close to being on his death bed. He sounds as crisp as ever. Also, note how each movement is choreographed with precision to the timing of the music. Just goes to demonstrate the perfectionist nature of the Greatest Entertainer of All Time. R.I.P., Mike…we’ll always remember you!