[thenewblacklove presents a new series examining interracial relationships. In Part 1, we discuss various effects interracial romances have had on relations between Black men and women.]
Recently I had a very interesting conversation with some young brothers I know, and the topic related to their views on marriage and relationships in general. As they described their various preferences and what they desired in a mate, somehow the subject turned to what they DIDN'T desire...which led to statements regarding their views on Black women.
“The Excuses”
Essentially, these young brothers think that, in comparison to White or Latina or Asian women, most Black women have worse attitudes, do more popping off at the mouth, show less desired affection and are more demanding of their mates. Because of these factors, they claimed, most of them would be agreeable to dating outside of their race.
However, this isn't a one-sided deal here. In speaking with many sisters, you hear similar types of criticism. These sisters believe that “there ain't no good Black men left” and that, essentially, most Black men are “full of it”.
Face it...like it or not, and unfairly levied or not, the reality is that there are A LOT of Black men who feel this type of way about Black women, and there are just as many Black women who feel this way about Black men. So what's going on? Why would so many brothers think that Black women all subscribe to a certain ideology? Have brothers and sisters alienated each other to the point of driving each other away?
Look, there’s a lot of friction between Black men and Black women in relationships, and the longer people lie to themselves and act like it's just “part of the game”, the further away we'll get from truly rectifying the issues causing the problems. In the meantime, and as a result, Black men and women are dating other races in droves
Now let me be clear....there is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY nothing wrong with interracial dating. Whether it's Blacks with Whites, Asians or Latinos, as long as you're happy, go for it. Skin color is irrelevant when you truly love someone.
However, this discussion isn't about whether it's right or wrong to date outside your race. Rather, the question revolves around the underlying reasons WHY so many brothers and sisters are seemingly shunning each other in favor of the comforts of others. Too many Black men and women are so busy pointing the fingers of blame at each other that they're failing to dig into and ultimately address the heart of the problems within their relationship. Because it's much easier to play the blame game and shirk personal responsibility than it is to be an adult and deal with differences maturely.
“The Stereotypes”
Back to my conversation with the young brothers....the prevailing sentiment amongst these dudes was that “it takes a very strong, patient, self-aware man to take up with a black woman.” Again, they cited what they considered to be “flaws” in the character of the “average Black woman” as the basis for their rationale.
To be clear, I'm not one to subscribe to blanket generalizations of people, especially about my sisters....and this particular sensibility tends to piss me off. Essentially, what these young men were suggesting with this ideology is that, as a Black man, you have to PUT UP with a Black woman. Rather, there is this notion that a Black man must ENDURE the love of a Black woman, instead of simply basking in it. I find that to be an extremely unfair assessment in that it relegates Black women to some stature that you wouldn't assign to OTHER women. Granted, there are certain aspects of such criticisms which ring true and can be applied to Black women. However, they could also be applied to many other races of women...not JUST Black women.
The ideology of the “mouthy, nagging Black woman as a turn-off” is blatantly unfair because those are character traits which are not exclusive to Black women. Such traits apply to ANY woman, regardless of her race/color. Specifically, such practices have nothing to do with a woman's color and everything to do with how THAT particular woman was brought up. A perfect example would be Kate Goesselin, of the TV show “Jon & Kate Plus 8” fame. Here you have a White woman, exhibiting extremely bossy and unnecessarily aggressive behavior towards her husband, while also demonstrating a propensity for demeaning and demasculinizing him.....the very same traits those young brothers were accusing Black women of embracing.
Conversely, Black women often cite the belief that “the reason why Black men choose not to deal with Black women is because they are too mentally and emotionally weak to do so”....basically relegating such Black men to the roles of underachievers afraid to “get with a real woman.” These women may also feel that there is a shortage of quality Black men. They opine that, with so many Black men falling by the wayside with drugs, gangs, prison and the like, sisters are being forced to take different routes with their romantic lives. Basically, they believe, they seek out other types of men out of a growing sense of necessity.
While that may hold true for some men, it certainly doesn't play out in every instance. I believe that many brothers likely DO shirk the culpability of their own shortcomings and instead “wimp out”, but again, such character traits aren't exclusive to color, they are based solely on how that person was raised. It is simply too easy to dismissively conclude that a certain aspect of either masculinity or femininity only applies to the men or women of ONE race/color....and then, that it somehow applies to ALL of them!
“That's My Momma!”
Some women think men want women like their mothers. You'll often hear them complain that “he expects me to act like his mother”, whether it's picking up after him or catering to his every whim. Again, this is not true for all men. For instance, men raised in strong patriarchal-headed households (or, households where they had a father/father figure) typically exhibit a greater sense of responsibility in relationships than men raised by their mothers or grandmothers by virtue of the values and ethics taught to them by that father figure. As a result, a large number of men don't want a woman ANYTHING LIKE their mommas, even if they hold their mommas in the highest regard.
“The Backlash”
A Latina friend of mine, who almost exclusively dates Black men, recently relayed to me her frustrations with the attitudes she encounters with some of the Black women with whom she has come in contact. She indicated that most Black women she encounters give her a hard time when they see her with a Black man, and that their attitudes – thick with petty jealousy or envy and contempt for her very being – make it difficult for her to feel for their plights in “losing” so many of their good men. Let's face it, it's tough to feel sorry for someone you find completely off-putting. If she dates a Black man, she says, Black women hate on her. If she dates a White guy, Black and Latino men have a problem with her, and often confront her and her date out in public.
This same backlash can be applied to Black men and Black women who date outside their race. Whether it's Black men confronting a sister for being with a non-Black man, or a group of sisters ganging up on a Black man and his non-White woman, it's clear that folks feel some type of way about “losing their kind” to those of other race.
Instead of wallowing in such drama associated with interracial romance, it's time for Black men and women to start taking responsibility for their OWN lives and preferences and stop worrying about what other people are doing, thinking or saying. Because worrying about the continuity of your race will never be as important as the continuity of your own FAMILY or well-being....
Monday, November 30, 2009
SIDEBAR: “Ten Characteristics of Successful Relationships”
By Dr. Blakluv
Look, it doesn't matter if you're Black and your mate is PURPLE....certain practices and applied traits/habits are going to ensure that your relationship is a successful one.
In no particular order, thenewblacklove presents our top ten characteristics of a successful relationship,
1. Good communication. Likely THE #1 key to any successful relationship. Problem is, not many couples know HOW to maintain great lines of communication. A couple's ability to openly express their feelings to each other, without fear of emotional backlash, can foster the precise type of trusting and respectable environment in which any relationship would surely flourish. In other words, keep it real with each other, but also keep it RESPECTABLE with each other.
2. Friendship. Look, ANY couple who shares a strong friendship is going to have some staying power. In such instances, they've not only got love for each other, but they genuinely LIKE each other as people. They enjoy each others' company, and might even say they're “best friends”. Hell, that's half the battle right there!
3. Shared Sense of Humor. It's true....laughter IS the best medicine. Couples who can make each other laugh tend to share an overall good-natured vibe. Plus, it's kinda hard to argue with someone if they have a propensity to make you crack up in the middle of the conflict.
4. “Sharing The Load”. Couples who divvy up the financial, household or parenting responsibilities in a mutually agreed upon way are less likely to hold resentments about carrying a larger burden , or what they perceive as “unfair” in the relationship. Since each partner contributes, there's a greater sense of balance to the relationship.
5. Sexual Intimacy. Okay, let's keep it all the way real...while it's not the MOST important thing, sex is paramount to any successful relationship. Since people's sexual drives vary greatly, it's important for partners to stress to each other what keeps them satisfied. Some people are highly active and need to do it several times a week; others are satisfied with far less. Just make sure there is proper “negotiation” so that neither partner feels neglected by the other.
6. Showing Affection. Staying in physical contact with your mate throughout the day in some form or fashion often produces genuine feelings of being loved. It doesn't have to be a situation where sex is imminent; rather, small gestures that show that you love them can say a lot without ever having to utter those three words. Whether it’s a hug, a ginger kiss, or even a tenderly-placed touch, such acts of affection tend to keep couples satisfactorily connected.
7. Accepting Personal Culpability. Nothing guarantees a relationship's failure with greater expediency than putting two people together who don't know how to apportion the blame for causing the relationship's problems. No relationship is one-sided...it takes two to tango. So one partner consistently accusing the other of shady behavior, or one partner showing defensiveness, may be indications of a partner not accepting their fair share of the blame.
8. Having Mutual and Separate Friends. Partners who maintain their own separate circles of friends, but who also integrate their partner into that social circle from time to time, achieve a greater balance in honoring themselves as individuals within the relationship, giving birth to a truer appreciation for that partner and the relationship.
9. Dependability. How trustworthy is your partner? Could they come through for you in the clutch...or will they wither away? As mates, we all want our partners to get on some tip: “do what they say, say when they MEAN...one thing leads to another...”. In order words, don't talk about it, BE about it. Successfully doing this establishes a comfort level for leveraging the weight of your words with your partner.
10. Foresight. A key component to longevity. Where do you each SEE the relationship in the next year? Two years? Five to ten years? Partners must first be willing to understand what they're trying to get out of the relationship, then must accept the expectations upon them from their significant other if they're thinking about long-term commitment. If your significant other isn't ready to discuss those types of questions, however, you probably should think harder about the future of your relationship.
Look, it doesn't matter if you're Black and your mate is PURPLE....certain practices and applied traits/habits are going to ensure that your relationship is a successful one.
In no particular order, thenewblacklove presents our top ten characteristics of a successful relationship,
1. Good communication. Likely THE #1 key to any successful relationship. Problem is, not many couples know HOW to maintain great lines of communication. A couple's ability to openly express their feelings to each other, without fear of emotional backlash, can foster the precise type of trusting and respectable environment in which any relationship would surely flourish. In other words, keep it real with each other, but also keep it RESPECTABLE with each other.
2. Friendship. Look, ANY couple who shares a strong friendship is going to have some staying power. In such instances, they've not only got love for each other, but they genuinely LIKE each other as people. They enjoy each others' company, and might even say they're “best friends”. Hell, that's half the battle right there!
3. Shared Sense of Humor. It's true....laughter IS the best medicine. Couples who can make each other laugh tend to share an overall good-natured vibe. Plus, it's kinda hard to argue with someone if they have a propensity to make you crack up in the middle of the conflict.
4. “Sharing The Load”. Couples who divvy up the financial, household or parenting responsibilities in a mutually agreed upon way are less likely to hold resentments about carrying a larger burden , or what they perceive as “unfair” in the relationship. Since each partner contributes, there's a greater sense of balance to the relationship.
5. Sexual Intimacy. Okay, let's keep it all the way real...while it's not the MOST important thing, sex is paramount to any successful relationship. Since people's sexual drives vary greatly, it's important for partners to stress to each other what keeps them satisfied. Some people are highly active and need to do it several times a week; others are satisfied with far less. Just make sure there is proper “negotiation” so that neither partner feels neglected by the other.
6. Showing Affection. Staying in physical contact with your mate throughout the day in some form or fashion often produces genuine feelings of being loved. It doesn't have to be a situation where sex is imminent; rather, small gestures that show that you love them can say a lot without ever having to utter those three words. Whether it’s a hug, a ginger kiss, or even a tenderly-placed touch, such acts of affection tend to keep couples satisfactorily connected.
7. Accepting Personal Culpability. Nothing guarantees a relationship's failure with greater expediency than putting two people together who don't know how to apportion the blame for causing the relationship's problems. No relationship is one-sided...it takes two to tango. So one partner consistently accusing the other of shady behavior, or one partner showing defensiveness, may be indications of a partner not accepting their fair share of the blame.
8. Having Mutual and Separate Friends. Partners who maintain their own separate circles of friends, but who also integrate their partner into that social circle from time to time, achieve a greater balance in honoring themselves as individuals within the relationship, giving birth to a truer appreciation for that partner and the relationship.
9. Dependability. How trustworthy is your partner? Could they come through for you in the clutch...or will they wither away? As mates, we all want our partners to get on some tip: “do what they say, say when they MEAN...one thing leads to another...”. In order words, don't talk about it, BE about it. Successfully doing this establishes a comfort level for leveraging the weight of your words with your partner.
10. Foresight. A key component to longevity. Where do you each SEE the relationship in the next year? Two years? Five to ten years? Partners must first be willing to understand what they're trying to get out of the relationship, then must accept the expectations upon them from their significant other if they're thinking about long-term commitment. If your significant other isn't ready to discuss those types of questions, however, you probably should think harder about the future of your relationship.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
"The Peeves"
By The Angry Blackman
Yunno...sometimes it's just so, SO hard to understand the rationale behind these companies hiring COMPLETE blithering idiots to work their customer service systems. Like, where in the hell did you get some of these Wendy's fry bin rejects, people who OBVIOUSLY have no business doing a job that requires an ability for concise communication? People who are from, like, THE most shallow end of the job pool?
Doesn't poor customer service just PISS you off? I'm talking about that “makes-me-want-to-throw-a-brick-through-the-company's-front-window” type of piss you off? Ain't nothing worse than a mouthy customer service rep over the phone or, worse yet, a mouthy one IN a place of business. Believe me, my gripes with customer service are numerous and varied:
Excessive Holding. Oh man, they just LOOOOOOVE to leave you on hold forever...only to come back and say “Sir? Yes, I'm still waiting, but I just wanted to see if you were still holding...”....makes you wanna hang up on their dumb asses, except you know that calling back will take even LONGER to hold....sheesh, it's like they earn an extra dollar per minute that I hold or something, knowin' they ain't doin' no REAL work towards addressing my concern, probably texting their stank friends instead....and enough with the cheesy music, for crying out loud....if I REALLY wanted to hear the extended version of Billy Ocean's “Suddenly” as interpreted by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, I'd find a better means to do that, thanks.
Accents. Look, I got NOTHING against immigrants who speak English but still maintain a thick dialect and/or drawl from their own language.....but to all you good folks who ARE like that? DON'T TAKE CUSTOMER SERVICE JOBS. Like, what is the point of me constantly saying, “Waitaminute, what did you say? Can you repeat that? Can you SPELL that?” if I can't UNDERSTAND you, my service as a customer is incomplete, right? So get your monkey ass up off the damn phone and let me speak to your damn supervisor, you moron....
Stank attitudes. I wish someone would invent one of those video phones they used to have on “The Jetsons”, where you could literally reach through the phone and smack the natural crap outta fool. Such an invention is necessary with some of these customer service reps. I'm talkin' about the ones who get smart with you, or act sarcastic towards you, or try to talk over you and disregard you, or try to talk DOWN to you, like you “don't understand”...all of these types of people should be eaten by cannibals, and their bones crushed into a fine powder that is then spread over a huge pile of horse crap, then the horse crap should be ejected out into deep space...bastards...
False Sense Of Accomplishment. When they don’t do nothin’ for you, then got the nerve to CHEERFULLY ask you, “is there anything ELSE I can do for you, sir?” Trick you didn't do squat the FIRST time! How you gon' “help me” do something ELSE when you ain't BEGAN helpin' me yet? Yeah, you can “help me” by taking another job, preferably somewhere that doesn't require any VERBAL participation on your part....
Inexperience. Let's not forget about the reps who just flat out don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, whether it's because they're new employees, or because they were just poorly trained. I mean, how am I the one telling YOU the damn policy, to where you suddenly go “....oh yeah, you right sir. My bad...” The HELL? Man if you don't get your “Dazed and Confused” lookin' ass up off the damn phone and transfer me to somebody with some damn SENSE....
(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of afrocentral.com or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)
News From The Weird: Peruvian Gang Kills Overweight People, Sells Their Fat For Cosmetics...
What a strange and disturbing story...it seems that four people have been arrested in Peru on suspicion of killing dozens of people in order to sell their fat and tissue for cosmetic uses in Europe.
The gang allegedly targeted people on remote roads, luring them with fake job offers before killing them and extracting their fat. The liquidized product fetched as much as $15,000 a liter, and police suspect it was sold to cosmetic companies in Europe.
At least five other suspects, including two Italian nationals, remain at large. Police said the gang could be behind the disappearances of up to 60 people in Peru's Huanuco and Pasco regions. One of those arrested told police the ringleader had been killing people for their fat for more than three decades. The gang has been referred to as the Pishtacos, after an ancient Peruvian legend of killers who attack people on lonely roads and murder them for their fat.
I mean, damn....THIRTY YEARS? Not even Hollywood could make up this stuff, folks....your thoughts?
The gang allegedly targeted people on remote roads, luring them with fake job offers before killing them and extracting their fat. The liquidized product fetched as much as $15,000 a liter, and police suspect it was sold to cosmetic companies in Europe.
At least five other suspects, including two Italian nationals, remain at large. Police said the gang could be behind the disappearances of up to 60 people in Peru's Huanuco and Pasco regions. One of those arrested told police the ringleader had been killing people for their fat for more than three decades. The gang has been referred to as the Pishtacos, after an ancient Peruvian legend of killers who attack people on lonely roads and murder them for their fat.
I mean, damn....THIRTY YEARS? Not even Hollywood could make up this stuff, folks....your thoughts?
Attack Of The 50-Foot Woman?
Well, not quite...but check out this Australian video shoot involving French model “Amazon Eve”...at 6'8”, she's got to be the world's tallest supermodel of all time.
Fellas...is there such a thing as "too MUCH" woman? Does a woman being this tall serve as a "deal breaker" for you, even if you find her physically appealing?
What do you think?
Fellas...is there such a thing as "too MUCH" woman? Does a woman being this tall serve as a "deal breaker" for you, even if you find her physically appealing?
What do you think?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
FEATURE: “Once A Cheater….Always A Cheater?”

But yo she burned my scene up like David Koresh
I guess a diamond ain't nothing but a rock with a name
I guess love ain't nothin’ but emotion and game…”
- Trugoy the Dove of De La Soul, from “Itzsoweezee”
It’s safe to assume that everyone either has been cheated on, or knows someone who has. The De La sentiments above only work to bolster the idea that some people will never have true and honorable intentions when they try to get with you. They just ain’t no good, and don’t know no better.
Cheating, or unfaithfulness in a committed relationship, is an unmitigated sin, a violation that can most times be unforgivable. People who cheat do so for a wide variety of reasons. Whether they are unsympathetic, narcissistic, just selfish by nature or are simply drama seekers, all cheaters are motivated by the same common desire of self-gratification above all else. In this respect, the cheater will always blame everyone and everything else BUT themselves. Ask them why they cheated and they will most likely try to blame their infidelity on the relationship itself (“he/she was too bossy/controlling/was never there for me”), or possibly even the circumstances surrounding why they cheated (“I was drunk/it was just a fling”). They make excuses instead of taking personal culpability for making the mistake.
I love the show “Cheaters” (even though I can’t stand Joey Greco) because it not only showcases the sheer selfishness of the cheater, but also it exposes the inferior sensibility of the careless cheater. People who cheat are usually sloppy about it and, in that respect, do some pretty stupid things that lead to them getting busted. Once the private investigator exposes them, it becomes clear that they pretty much didn’t think their underhandedness through well or clearly enough. They’re so blinded by their own sojourn for self-satisfaction that they forget to cover up their footprints on the trail of deception. Oftentimes, cheaters will sabotage the fling themselves because they want to get caught.
"Second-Time Around"
Okay, so…what about the love life of a POST-cheater? That is, if someone cheats on their mate once, are they no good forever after that? Does the ideology of “once a cheater, always a cheater” apply universally?
When it comes to someone trying to establish (or reestablish) a relationship with a cheater, there are two sensibilities which are most prevalent:
• “They did it before, they’ll do it again.” We’ve already discussed how cheaters rarely blame themselves for the cheating because of their selfishness and propensity to put themselves first. Well, if a cheater refuses to change that aspect of themselves, then likely, yes, “once a cheater always a cheater” will always apply. Why? Because a person who always puts themselves before their mate will never find satisfaction in ANY relationship. So if your mate thinks that way, the truth is that that’s not even an ideology you can compete with. A person like that is better off being single until they grow out of that sensibility. Even if a cheater genuinely loves the person they cheat on, they will always put their own needs and desires ahead of those of their partner due to their “me first” line of thinking. This also explains why cheaters won’t end one relationship in order to pursue another. Rather, they’ll often deceive two people in order to get what they want. A cheater wants to have their cake and eat it too, and usually doesn’t give a damn about the repercussions or who gets hurt in the process.
• “If they cheated WITH you, they’ll cheat ON you”. This is perhaps the most puzzling aspect of beginning a relationship with someone you KNOW has a history of cheating. See logic dictates that, if this person cheated with you on ANOTHER person - lying to and probably hurting that other person in the process – it’s safe to assume that, at some point, they would treat you the same way. What makes you so special that YOUR love exclusively will change their selfish ways? Nah, too many people let their EGOS get in the way of common sense, convincing themselves that “oh, but I’m different than all the others”, or even “he/she KNOW better than to do that to ME!” I’m not saying it’s impossible to find lifelong happiness with someone who cheated on someone else to be with you...but the odds of such a union going the distance are virtually slim and none. Quite simply, you can’t build a solid foundation on a rocky slope; rather, you can’t hope to establish something meaningful and true with someone when your entire relationship with that person was BORNE out of deception.
Trying to gauge whether a cheater deserves a second chance also depends greatly on the circumstances under which that person cheated in the first place. Was it maliciously done, or was it an aberration? Only you will know whether or not someone seems genuine and sincere enough to warrant giving the benefit of the doubt. In such instances it is paramount that you use your best judgment, making sure your best judgment is steeped in common sense.
“A Change Gon’ Come…”
Can a leopard change its stripes? That is, can a person who cheated in the past truly be expected to change for the better?
Change in a person is always possible, but can be very difficult. It involves that person experiencing significant self-reflection and personal insight, as well as requiring them to work hard and put forth the effort and commitment necessary to reflect true change. Sometimes this may require counseling, particularly if the cheater’s shortcomings stem from some deep-seeded mental issues, such as experiences from their childhood or with their parents.
In a perfect world, someone unhappy in a relationship would just LEAVE their mate instead of sneaking around behind their mate’s back. But the world ain’t perfect. The good news is, people CAN change old destructive habits, and cheaters are no different. Whether or not a cheater can change is completely up to the individual. A cheater accepting responsibility for their past infidelity can help determine if that person truly wants to change…or if they’re apt to do it again. As such, someone entertaining thoughts of gettin’ with (or getting BACK with) a former cheater needs to pose the following questions to both themselves AND their partner:
• Have they acknowledged that they’ve cheated before?
• Do they show remorse for their past cheating?
• Have they made amends for their cheating?
• Has there been closure with the person cheated on?
• How much can you trust them?
That last one is imperative. You have to be able to gauge the trust level in this person. Was their crime heinous enough that, if it had happened to you, it would be impossible for you to forgive them? What constitutes an “unforgivable” cheating scenario to you? These are all hard questions that must be asked in such a situation.
Look, if somebody cheats on one partner it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will cheat on the next partner. However, unless they adequately address the root causes of their past cheating there is a good chance they will do it again in a new relationship. A cheater who wants to change must submit themselves to true soul searching and take responsibility for the harm they have done to another. They must stop trying to rationalize their behavior and instead accept blame for their shortcomings.
In all instances, using your best judgment based on the facts and circumstances involved will serve you the greatest. In other words, trust your gut. And most importantly, don’t make excuses for that person simply because “you love them”….that’s simply not enough….
…and lovin’ someone ain’t got nothin’ to do with being SMART enough to prevent them from taking advantage of you.
SIDEBAR: “Heard It All Before”: The Top Ten Excuses For Cheating

Here are the top ten excuses cheaters give for doing someone dirty:
1. “I don't love you/am not in love with you anymore.” Loss of affection remains at the top of the list. The cheater is quick to give up on someone in whom they’ve “lost interest”.
2. “It's not you, it's me.” This is an age-old ploy on the part of the cheater. By trying to attribute their infidelity to some inexplicable “personal issue”, cheaters conveniently absolve themselves from causing hurt feelings in their partner.
3. “I need some space.” This excuse is most prominently used by those cheaters who don’t necessarily want to give up on their partner ENTIRELY, but rather, who would rather create an environment where they are less likely to be CAUGHT.
4. “You deserve better.” Aaaah, good ol’ self-depreciation. Nothing throws the blame off of a cheater faster than saying that they (the cheater) are unworthy of their partner’s affections. Such reverse psychology often proves pretty successful, too…it’s the perfect sucker punch.
5. “We were just friends.” HA! As if this excuse will make the cheating seem not as bad! In many instances, the “cheating with friends” scenario is even more painful given that said friend might have even been YOUR friend, or a friend to you both, and was frequently all up in your face with false kindness…all while they were secretly doin’ your Boo behind your back.
6. “You don't listen to me.” Oh yeah, THIS is brilliant. So instead of confronting the communication lapse head-on, a partner instead goes out and has a fling with someone else? Too easy.
7. “You don't need me.” See #4. This excuse is like a sleight of hand, it’s the “card trick” of relationships.
8. “I'm having a mid-life crisis.” Only works if you’re, yunno, ACTUALLY mid-life. Not very effective or believable when you’re in your early 20s.
9. “I can't help myself.” Perhaps the WORST excuse of all. It essentially relegates the cheater to the role of helpless victim of their own psyche.
10. “It doesn't mean anything.” The cheater will trivialize the reason why they strayed as being “not important” such that it shouldn’t be an issue. This is the epitome of selfishness because it is so dismissive in nature…almost like the cheater is suggesting “Aaaah, don’t worry about it, it’s not that big of a deal…”
"The Peeves"

By The Angry Blackman
In this age of the H1N1 virus and other flu-related maladies, it’s more important than ever that people step their game up when it comes to their hygiene habits. Particularly now that we’re approaching the winter months, when cold and sickness is almost unavoidable for most of us. From our co-workers to our family members, everyone should be more mindful of the welfare of others and curtail their disgusting practices.
Let’s face it…some people are just flat-out NASTY. I’m talkin’ about that no home training, “if your momma saw you doing that she’d slap your face” kind of nasty. Truly, their hygienic habits leave much to be desired. These are the type of people who frequently commit one of the following “cardinal sins of hygiene”:
• Using public restrooms and leaving without washing their hands. This really kills me. How you gon’ walk your triflin’ ass from the urinal or stall, and go STRAIGHT out the door? So I’m supposed to grab the door handle AFTER you? I mean damn, is it too much to ask that you at least pull out some hand sanitizer? People who do this at restaurants are the worst, how can you possibly use a PUBLIC facility and then go back and touch your FOOD? It’s like they have absolutely no concept of what a damn germ is….
• Sneezing or coughing without covering their nose/mouth. How irritating is this, eh? I mean dude, are you TRYING to get everyone else sick? This is a common sense courtesy that even a trained monkey would recognize. Seriously, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that NOBODY wants an extra serving of snot on their slacks just because you’re an inconsiderate bastard. And….you know how you expel a small bit of spittle into the air when you cough without covering your mouth? Yeah, so do we. So knock it off….
• Scratching self/picking nose/digging in butt in public. Oh yeah, now THIS is attractive. Oooh, nothing turns a guy on more than watching some woman standing on the train platform, digging her drawers outta her ass, right? And it’s always appealing to see a fast food worker with a finger up their nose as they reach for your large fries, isn’t it? And certainly, NOBODY wants to see that guy who scratches his crotch in a crowded supermarket, and then smells his fingers…ugh…..these are the type of things you do in the privacy of your own HOME, not on the Jumbo-Tron at the Phillies game….
• Not wearing deodorant, or otherwise smelling like they don’t bathe/shower. Look, this isn’t France. In America we ENCOURAGE washing your ass, and doing so frequently. And don’t try spraying a whole bottle of cologne on top of your clothes, either, like it’s going to cover up that 3-day old funk. Nobody wants to stand in an elevator next to a guy who smells like a musty Avon rep. I mean, what grown ass man/woman doesn’t shower daily? Worse yet, how do you NOT know that you smell like a spokesperson for skunks nationwide? Hey, here’s a tip: if your pits enter the room before YOU do, you MIGHT wanna get down with the Speed Stick, okay?
• Spitting/hocking up loogies. Just inappropriate on so many levels. For one, most people don’t have any “projection control”…..meaning, they spit a loogie not really knowing WHERE it’s going to land, leaving anybody within their immediate circumference in jeopardy of catchin’ a bad one. Then, there’s NEVER an appropriate way to make that disgusting hocking noise….like, it’s virtually impossible to sound “sexy” when you’re bringing phlem from the back of your throat up to the surface. And have you ever seen a WOMAN do this? You think to yourself, “Damn honey, why not just scratch your BALLS while you’re at it, eh?”
Look, people….public health is everyone’s responsibility. So next time you see that guy in IHOP trying to walk straight outta the restroom after taking a dump, do your civic duty…stick a foot up his nasty punk ass while reminding him that “Dial” isn’t just that knob on the radio…
It’s for the greater good….
(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of thenewblacklove.com or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)
From The “World’s Biggest Idiots” File…Cop Steals Marijuana From Evidence, Makes 911 Call…
Hilarious! A police officer steals some marijuana from his precinct’s evidence locker and takes it home, where he and his wife proceed to make brownies out of it. They end up getting so blazed that they think they’re DYING, so they call 911 for an ambulance! The reporter laughing off camera can barely contain herself...
...you can’t MAKE this stuff up, people!
...you can’t MAKE this stuff up, people!
Exclusive Clip Of Michael Jackson From “This Is It” Movie
Peep this exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage of Michael Jackson rehearsing “Human Nature” for his “This Is It” tour, taken from the movie of the same name.
Now mebbe it’s just ME, but this damn sure doesn’t look like a man who was supposedly "sickly", or even remotely close to being on his death bed. He sounds as crisp as ever. Also, note how each movement is choreographed with precision to the timing of the music. Just goes to demonstrate the perfectionist nature of the Greatest Entertainer of All Time. R.I.P., Mike…we’ll always remember you!
Now mebbe it’s just ME, but this damn sure doesn’t look like a man who was supposedly "sickly", or even remotely close to being on his death bed. He sounds as crisp as ever. Also, note how each movement is choreographed with precision to the timing of the music. Just goes to demonstrate the perfectionist nature of the Greatest Entertainer of All Time. R.I.P., Mike…we’ll always remember you!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
"Who Wears The Pants?": Power Struggles Within Marriages & Relationships

“Men are like grapes. Our job is to STOMP on them….and keep them in the dark until they mature into something we’d like to have dinner with….”
– Maxine Shaw, attorney at law, from the hit FOX TV show “Living Single”
Again, the thinking goes that a man is SCULPTABLE; rather, that he’s some fine lump of clay at a woman’s disposal, destined to be shaped into “Mr. Right”.
Look, love IS strong…but oftentimes it’s not strong enough to make someone go against who they TRULY are inside and radically change the essence of themselves solely because YOU asked them to make that change. Only God can truly change that which is within and DEFINES them….not some cutie in tight Capris.
“My Way Or The Highway”
As a result, what develops is this false sense of ability to change people to better suit YOUR tastes. This always leads to arguments because one of the partners involved isn’t understanding that you can’t WILL someone into being how YOU want them to be….that is, just because you WANT your partner to be/act a certain way doesn’t mean you can successfully FORCE them to be/act a certain way. The “Living Single” quote above is, in essence, a control issue. Maxine Shaw’s quote exemplifies the female ideology of dominating the man and curbing/taming his ego; an ideology that consistently leads to a power struggle in the marriage or relationship.
“The Struggle Continues…”
Marriage or relationship power struggles are usually very pronounced and manifest as one of two types:
1. The type where one partner insists on "running the show" (not coincidentally, this type of partner is also typically the one who’ll try to force the other partner into changing or adapting and submitting to THEIR will); and/or
2. The type where one person shuts the other partner out of his or her life.
To be clear, the issue of control is what drives the power struggle in a marriage or relationship. One partner will frequently assert what they think is “right” in the relationship, even if the other partner objects. For instance, some men believe that they must assert their "dominant authority" over their wife/girlfriend and their home. This sensibility is heavily fueled by the male ego. Quite simply, men with egos don’t like to be TOLD to do things, and don’t favor being forced into action just because a woman instructed them to do so. It will only make them rebel and lash out more, because they consider it an attack on their manhood.
“Bow Down….”
For women, the control issue is powered by the ideology of the "modern woman"; that is, one who is totally independent and her own woman, who may see little "use" for her husband's or partner’s authority. Most women want to FEEL in control; and, as most men have figured out, sometimes CONCEDING a sense of control is enough to appease their spouse or partner. I mean let’s face it…at certain times men HAVE to bow down because, otherwise, the resultant TURMOIL will make the entire situation much worse. As a man, oftentimes it’s far easier to simply “give in” and allow the woman to THINK she’s in control than it is to see the argument through to the end (because there IS no end and, therefore, there is no PEACE). Most of the time, a man just wants to avoid further conflict (e.g., stop the nagging), so he will agree with whatever his spouse or partner says. Truth be told, as a man, most of the time when you agree with your woman, that’s the end of it. A simple affirmation of her position is enough to appease her; sometimes, uttering something along the lines of “Yep”, or “Uh-huh”, or possibly “Baby you right, you right!” is enough to save him hours of headache.
It doesn’t mean he is weak or inferior to the woman….in SOME cases, a man shows his strength and wisdom by giving in during the heat of the moment in order to diffuse the situation and prevent it from further escalating. But PLEASE BELIEVE….there IS a line. A man wouldn’t TRULY be regarded as a man and acting within his capacity as “head of household” if he were purely a submissive pansy (and no matter what they say, NO WOMAN likes a weak man that she is able to easily manipulate. Have some balls, for crying out loud….). So in other words, a man – hell, any HUMAN BEING in that situation – can only take so much before they lash out at the control issue.
“Let’s Straighten It Out…”
So it seems like a delicate balance to strike….when has a wife/woman stepped over the line from being a deservingly demanding wife to being just a plain ol’ bossy bitch (though YOU’LL never call her a bossy bitch…unless, yunno, you LIKE sleeping in the car.) When has a husband/man crossed the boundary from patient but guiding mate to simply being a whipped wuss?
In order to resolve power struggles effectively, BOTH partners must be willing and motivated to resolve the core issues causing the conflict. In other words, learn how to SHARE the power within a marriage or relationship. Patience and compromise are the only ways to achieve that. Both partners must accept two key truths, namely (a) “it takes two to tango”, or rather, true commitment or marriage is a mutual affair and, as such, each partner's beliefs, needs, feelings, and input are equally essential; and (b) each partner “has a voice” and should always be regarded as an individual person who cannot be taken advantage of, silenced, or disregarded.
Only by honestly and earnestly adopting these practice tools in your marriage or relationship will you truly be able to move past the power struggle stage and towards more positive, harmonious paths…..but it ain’t gonna just magically “develop” outta nowhere. You’re going to have to work at it.
Is YOUR marriage or relationship worth that?
"The Peeves"

By The Angry Blackman
When you consider all the things throughout your day that stress you most consistently, driving has to be near the top of the list. It’s especially true if you commute daily, like me, crossing major thoroughfares on a routine basis (and don’t get me started on bridge tolls, that’s a whole ‘nother Peeve rant entirely).
Driving presents the constant challenge of unraveling one of life’s greatest enigmas, which is:
If everyone is required to take written and driving tests in order to obtain their licenses, thereby having to PROVE their “fitness” to operate a motor vehicle on public roads and highways, then WHY ARE THERE SO MANY &^%$#@ IDIOTS ON THE DAMN ROAD?!?
Blame your local DMV for the overabundance of morons on today’s highways and byways. TRULY, in this day and age, ANY idiot can get a driver’s license…and judging by the antics of some of the people you see on the roads daily, a lot of idiots DO get licenses. Nothing pisses me off more than the following, the five most ridiculously stupid types of behavior you’ll ever see executed behind a steering wheel:
― People Using Cell Phones/PDAs While Driving. In certain States, it’s illegal to talk on the phone while you’re driving. You can get pulled over for it. Honestly, it’s just not very smart because it detracts from your concentration level behind the wheel. As a responsible driver, you have no place having a heated argument with your Boo while switchin’ lanes during a traffic jam, and you have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS whatsoever trying to send text messages while you’re driving. Cruising down the turnpike doing 70 MPH is NOT exactly the most ideal time to text your cousin about that “honey you met at the club last night…”
― People Grooming Themselves While Driving. This is just unacceptable on so many levels. So you’re gonna WAIT until you’re in your CAR to put on lipstick and apply eye shadow? You REALLY think it’s cool to shave your beard in the rear view mirror while a freakin’ semi-truck is doing a strong 75 MPH to your immediate left? I mean, NEVERMIND that you just left your house where you could have instead used, oh I dunno, YOUR BATHROOM for something like that, right?
― People With An Overall Lack Of “Driving Etiquette 101”. Some people just don’t KNOW how to properly conduct and comport themselves when they are out on the road, in the midst of traffic. In other words, they ain’t got no damn home training. There are certain COMMON SENSE courtesies you always extend when you’re driving:
• Don’t tailgate me closely. Dude, why the hell are you all up in my TRUNK? This is not Talladega, don’t be bump-drafting me down I-95. Get your Grace-Jones-“Pull-Up-To-My-Bumper-Baby”-lookin’ ass AT LEAST a car’s length away from my vehicle…
• Don’t change lanes without signaling. During the 20th Century, a REMARKABLE thing happened…cars became equipped with a UNIQUE mechanism known as a TURN SIGNAL…USE IT. Don’t come outta nowhere from my blind side and cut me off, trying to cut across four lanes of traffic to get to an exit your dumb ass should have KNOWN was coming up half a mile ago.
• Don’t sit in a traffic jam and honk your horn. Listen, no matter HOW many times you do it, it’s NOT going to make traffic move any faster. The lanes are NOT going to magically part solely for your pleasure, like some highway version of The Red Sea. Knock it off. THIS MEANS YOU, NEW YORK CITY CAB DRIVERS…
― People Who Smoke With Kids In The Car. What on God’s green would possess someone to emit toxic fumes in the direct presence of their own (or another’s) children? We’re talkin’ about (supposed) GROWN adult people here, who apparently experience nic (nicotine) fits so strong that waiting to get out of the car first is unrealistic to them, like that’s too long to wait….never mind that there are three toddlers in the backseat (and don’t eeeeven get me started on people who don’t make little kids put on their seat belts…)…so now everyone in the damn car is forced to walk into church smellin’ like Flavor Country. Seriously, anyone like this is absolutely the worst type of person and I hope they all come down with Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever.
― Old People Driving. THE GRANDADDY OF THEM ALL! Hands down the most reprehensible, most obnoxious peeve in all of driving-dom. Simply put, old people have no business operating motor vehicles on public roadways. Period. Their nonsensical road violations are endless. Like, old people should NEVER try to cut another driver off. They don’t possess the proper motor skills (no pun intended) nor range of motion to execute it effectively….so they end up cutting you off AND making you slam on the brakes because they’re only doing 20 MPH WHILE they’re cutting you off. Since their rate of speed doesn’t ever increase - it’s like they get to 20 MPH and feel the wind in their hair, so the dementia tricks them into thinking they’re going faster than they really are – they end up snarling traffic, while being COMPLETELY oblivious to it all. So now I’m late for work because an entire highway lane, seven cars deep, is backed up due to someone Driving Miss Daisy. It's a FACT that old people should have to re-qualify their fitness for driving once they reach a certain age. You’ve seen it countless times, videos of elderly drivers crashing into crowds of people because the car was in reverse by accident, or they hit the gas when they should have hit the brake…I say we get these dangerous geezers off the streets as quickly as possible.
It’s all enough to make you just wanna catch the damn bus…..
(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of thenewblacklove.com or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)
TUPAC Interview: "The Lost Footage"
VIBE Magazine has released never-before-seen footage of Tupac Shakur from a 1996 interview, only months before his death. The interview catches the rap icon being unsurprisingly candid about everything from his mortality, unification of the hip-hop nation and being locked up in prison to his beef with Bad Boy, his influence on Biggie and why he thinks Puffy knew about his Quad Studios shooting before it happened.
Many consider him the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Rapper Of All Time)…SOME people even think he’s still alive….but no matter what your opinion of him may be, there’s no denying the fact that Tupac Shakur continues to influence generations, even almost a decade and a half after his death.
Many consider him the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Rapper Of All Time)…SOME people even think he’s still alive….but no matter what your opinion of him may be, there’s no denying the fact that Tupac Shakur continues to influence generations, even almost a decade and a half after his death.
Longest Basketball Shot In History?
Some guys from an organization calling themselves Dude Perfect are claiming that this baseball-pass shot - from the third deck of the Texas A&M Aggies’ football stadium, down to the field below - is the "World's Longest Basketball Shot”:
Okay, I know what you’re thinking…..CAMERA TRICK, right? Digital manipulation, right? Well, Dude Perfect got you covered. Here’s a second camera angle, this time from the perspective of being down on the field:
Regardless, props go out to Dude Perfect for ANOTHER reason. See, they’re creating these videos for charity….for every 100,000 views they receive, they’ll sponsor a child living in poverty via an organization called Compassion International.
I dunno…I guess we’ll find out soon enough whether or not they doctored this….in the meantime, what do you think?
Okay, I know what you’re thinking…..CAMERA TRICK, right? Digital manipulation, right? Well, Dude Perfect got you covered. Here’s a second camera angle, this time from the perspective of being down on the field:
Regardless, props go out to Dude Perfect for ANOTHER reason. See, they’re creating these videos for charity….for every 100,000 views they receive, they’ll sponsor a child living in poverty via an organization called Compassion International.
I dunno…I guess we’ll find out soon enough whether or not they doctored this….in the meantime, what do you think?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
FEATURE: "The Myth Of Prince Charming"

“All men are the same!”
“ Why can’t I find the perfect guy?”
“Where is my Mr. Right…someone who will love me for ME?”
Sound familiar? They should. These are the prevailing sentiments of single women worldwide as they struggle with their search to find “Prince Charming”.
This idea of the existence of a Prince Charming for every woman is a novel concept: a man, encompassing all the qualities that would make him her ideal candidate, comes along and sweeps a woman off her feet, effectively saving her from the doldrums of bachelorette living. He come with a sense of financial security, he’s attentive, caring, , sensitive and has a fantastic sense of humor…
Only problem is, ain’t no such person alive on God’s green. What most women fail to realize is that there’s no such thing as “The Pefect Man”. It’s an impossibly unattainable pipe dream of fallacy. Why? Because quite simply, there is no such thing as a perfect PERSON. If everyone was perfect, there’d be no wars, no murders…and moreso, no one would ever have relationship problems. Therefore, how could there ever be a perfect MAN in particular? Last time I checked, the only "Perfect Man" I know walked on water and was betrayed after a dinner party.....
“Mr. Right vs. Mr. Right NOW”
Under the Prince Charming ideology, marriage is the ultimate goal and the chief reason for the designation. Women seeking their Prince Charming expect to get MARRIED, not just shack up or “kick it” with some dude. The reality is…women don’t want boyfriends, they want HUSBANDS. It doesn’t sound as good to say “my boyfriend” (or worse still, “my baby daddy”). That is why so many women want to use the ubiquitous title “my FIANCE”…meaning, he ain’t the hubby yet, but she only got him a step or two from the altar and that lockdown (CLANK-CLANK!!)
As a result, most women end up SETTLING for a partner. That is, they get involved with a less-than-credible suitor more out of a sense of desperation than any nod to that man’s ACTUAL credentials. They would rather be with ANYONE than be alone. They become so afraid of the possibility of loneliness that they embrace adaption (in this sense, rationalizing under duress to adjust to the status quo) and accept the first guy to come along and show them any form of attention.
Strangely, however, the woman becomes disillusioned when that relationship doesn’t work out….never taking into account the fact that she DOOMED the relationship before it even started.
“He’s Awwright, But He’s not REAL…”
If a woman isn’t settling, she’s choosing the worst possible candidates as potential mates. She’s associating with guys possessing all those negatively-recessive attributes that she DOESN’T need.
It’s no secret that “women love bad boys”. Every woman is intrigued by the notion of the “rebellious hellion”, the thug who’ll provide a sense of excitement to her life. So shouldn’t it only make sense that most of the women who continuously seek out these types of men are the same ones habitually caught in that pattern leading to heartache?
Nonetheless, these women will still try to mold a Prince Charming out of some useless thug type. They are taught since they are little girls that “someday their prince will come”, and be transformed from lowly toad to Prince Charming. “I can CHANGE him!”, they think. These are the SAME types of women who are later left wondering why that thug dude treated her like crap and cheated on her and/or disrespected her…and yet STLL, she'll have the audacity to exclaim “See, this is why men ain’t s---!!”
“(Wo)Man In The Mirror”
Which brings us to the culpability issue – a woman FAILING to accept responsibility for her own faults, shortcomings and BAD CHOICES with respect to her failed relationships. Sure, a guy can disappoint you with his actions, but at what point do you start to think “well, if all the guys I get with are dogs, then MAYBE it’s ME…”?
Some women have to take responsibility for what they ALLOW to happen. For instance, you have women who’ll exclaim how they want a certain kind of man (e.g., kind, gentle, etc.), but then when they GET him they end up driving him away because of their own insecurities. Usually, these types of women are so used to bein’ dissed and dogged - and expecting the worst from men - that when a dude DOESN’T do them wrong, they can’t fathom it. So they lash out -and sometimes even sabotage the relationship (jealousy, constant nagging, etc.) - either consciously or subconsciously, because it’s more within their comfort level to have drama in their relationship. Sadly, it’s what they’re USED TO…yet they will often try to play the victim role in that situation, as if everyone should feel sorry for them.
At some point, women (AND men) have to know when to start considering the possibility that something THEY are doing is what keeps causing them to come up short in the love department. As potential partners, we have to take personal accountability into play. Many people aren't accountable for their choices and actions, and aren’t yet mature enough to understand that they need to remove themselves from unhealthy routines. These are the types of people who don’t need to be in relationships at ALL.
If a woman isn’t settling, she’s choosing the worst possible candidates as potential mates. She’s associating with guys possessing all those negatively-recessive attributes that she DOESN’T need.
It’s no secret that “women love bad boys”. Every woman is intrigued by the notion of the “rebellious hellion”, the thug who’ll provide a sense of excitement to her life. So shouldn’t it only make sense that most of the women who continuously seek out these types of men are the same ones habitually caught in that pattern leading to heartache?
Nonetheless, these women will still try to mold a Prince Charming out of some useless thug type. They are taught since they are little girls that “someday their prince will come”, and be transformed from lowly toad to Prince Charming. “I can CHANGE him!”, they think. These are the SAME types of women who are later left wondering why that thug dude treated her like crap and cheated on her and/or disrespected her…and yet STLL, she'll have the audacity to exclaim “See, this is why men ain’t s---!!”
“(Wo)Man In The Mirror”
Which brings us to the culpability issue – a woman FAILING to accept responsibility for her own faults, shortcomings and BAD CHOICES with respect to her failed relationships. Sure, a guy can disappoint you with his actions, but at what point do you start to think “well, if all the guys I get with are dogs, then MAYBE it’s ME…”?
Some women have to take responsibility for what they ALLOW to happen. For instance, you have women who’ll exclaim how they want a certain kind of man (e.g., kind, gentle, etc.), but then when they GET him they end up driving him away because of their own insecurities. Usually, these types of women are so used to bein’ dissed and dogged - and expecting the worst from men - that when a dude DOESN’T do them wrong, they can’t fathom it. So they lash out -and sometimes even sabotage the relationship (jealousy, constant nagging, etc.) - either consciously or subconsciously, because it’s more within their comfort level to have drama in their relationship. Sadly, it’s what they’re USED TO…yet they will often try to play the victim role in that situation, as if everyone should feel sorry for them.
At some point, women (AND men) have to know when to start considering the possibility that something THEY are doing is what keeps causing them to come up short in the love department. As potential partners, we have to take personal accountability into play. Many people aren't accountable for their choices and actions, and aren’t yet mature enough to understand that they need to remove themselves from unhealthy routines. These are the types of people who don’t need to be in relationships at ALL.
Look, ladies…I’m not saying the perfect guy for you isn’t out there. Love is always tinged with pleasant notions of hope, that’s what makes it great. Rather, the perfect GUY isn’t out there. Because it's highly unlikely you'll find the guy who’ll have EVERY quality you want.
You have to discern which qualities are the most important to YOU. Looking for a good father? A man who knows stability, and works hard every day? A man who will remain faithful no matter how greatly he is tempted out there in the world? Put a premium on those qualities most essential to YOUR happiness and well-being.
Only then will Mr. Right come into play…and not Mr. Get The Hell Outta My Face RIGHT Now….
You have to discern which qualities are the most important to YOU. Looking for a good father? A man who knows stability, and works hard every day? A man who will remain faithful no matter how greatly he is tempted out there in the world? Put a premium on those qualities most essential to YOUR happiness and well-being.
Only then will Mr. Right come into play…and not Mr. Get The Hell Outta My Face RIGHT Now….
"The Peeves"

By The Angry Blackman
…so just exactly WHEN did it become taboo to whoop the asses of bad little kids?
Somehow, dishing out whoopins (not “whippings”, this ain’t a 1866 South Carolina plantation….also, not “spankings” that’s too “S&M”-like) to deservingly rotten children became politically incorrect. Like, for whatever reason you’re considered a “bad parent” if you give that kid the business on their backside in public.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been pissed off in a supermarket by some prepubescent urchin poppin’ off disrespectfully to their parental figure. Nothing makes you wanna wring a kid’s neck faster than hearing them say “I HATE you!” to their parents, even when you don’t KNOW them. These people should have their parental badges revoked, and hot pokers shoved up their nostrils….and their kids should be NFL punted across the damn parking lot.
Somewhere along the line, America, we got soft. We let society dictate that we NOT administer tough love on those children who need it most. This is what I wanna know…who was the dufus who decided that taking “time outs” was more effective than taking leather belts to little posteriors? I don’t want you to sit in the corner, you tiny terror; in fact, when I get done you won’t be able to sit at ALL.
The art of a good ass whoopin’ is underappreciated and lost on kids nowadays. Back in the days of yore, elders took PRIDE in how they tore your ass up, and even demonstrated championship form when engaged in putting the smack down. Truly, whoopin’ your monkey ass was elevated to an ARTFORM:
• The Science Of Whoopin’ You With Whatever’s Handy. Nevermind a BELT…dude, you ever been whooped with an extension cord? A toy race car track (the orange ones wasn't no JOKE!)? Ever been made to get a switch off of a tree in order to whoop your OWN ass with (and don’t come back with the SHORT branch, that only made the whoopin’ worse)? And who can forget the ever-popular “beat your ass with my shoe” method?
• The TECHNICAL Aspects of Whoopins. Technique is the key. To the connoisseur...the belt is swung repeatedly at the legs and butt, to where it’s got the kid dancin’ around like Mike Jackson with a hot rock in his shoe. This is almost always executed by holding one of the kid’s arms upright while wailing away on the lower torso (his other arm flails aimlessly around, trying to detract the blows). And don’t make the parent CHASE you around the room, it only made it worse. As a result, the kid usually just went limp and hung on for dear life as the parent whomped away angrily….
So let’s bring back them good ol’ fashioned “I’mma beat you until my arm is tired” ass whoopins. When your currently-obnoxious little snot nose becomes an adult, he/she will better appreciate how your having done so was all for the best…and if not, at least they’ll know you ain’t playin’ around with their punk asses next time you tell them to shut the hell up….buncha dirty little sunnuva…..
(**DISCLAIMER: the views and opinions expressed herein by The Angry Blackman are exclusively his own and do not represent the views of thenewblacklove.com or its members….even though, most of the time, this fool be on point with his…**)
Sports: NFL 2009 Season Preview

So as we prepare to kick off the 2009 NFL season on Thursday, we here at TNBL present our picks and analysis while attempting to answer five of this season’s biggest questions.
1. Who is this year's "2008 Tennessee Titans"?
We’re looking for that team that'll unexpectedly win a ton of games out of nowhere, as Tennessee did when they went 13-3 in 2008. The type of team that, the year previous, was terrible , and then suddenly started looking like world-beaters LAST year, to where you were like "When did THEY get this good?" We like the Green Bay Packers in this role. Solid QB play from Aaron Rodgers, who’s working with a deep receiving corps (led by Driver and Jennings), TWO game-breaking tight ends (Lee and Finley) and a finally-healthy Ryan Grant in the backfield. Don’t be shocked if they end up being THAT team.
2. Who is this year's Detroit Lions?
Yunno, the team most likely to go 0-16 this year? We pick the Detroit Lions...again. Next question.
3. Which player will have the biggest breakout season?
This could be a rookie, but it could also be a second-year player. We like Dwayne Bowe of the Kansas City Chiefs to emerge as a premier receiver in the AFC this year. Only because new QB Matt Cassel has to throw to SOMEBODY now that TE Tony Gonzales is gone. Bowe should see PLENTY of balls thrown his way.
4. Which division will be the most dominant (have the most teams with winning records)?
In other words, “Which division is the strongest?” Well, it’s a TIE….we like both the NFC North and the AFC North. Green Bay, Minnesota and Chicago are ALL Super Bowl contenders. They are all so strong, in fact, that they distract you from the disaster that is the Detroit Lions. As for the AFC North, the Steelers and the Ravens are among the class of the conference. Cincinnati is going to be better than people think, and Cleveland may not make the playoffs but they will likely give teams tougher games than expected.
5. Who will have THE MOST dominant defense?
We like the Pittsburgh Steelers to continue their dominance from last season, when they were ranked 1st or 2nd in almost every major defensive statistical category. To be sure, there are several teams (most notably, the Titans, Ravens, Cowboys and Vikings) whose defenses could be very good, but going wire to wire our money is on the defending champs.
Our division winners (listed first) and losers:
• New England – still the class of the division. Brady to Moss will still kill ANY team, and Belichick is still crafty enough to pull out the close ones. Should make a deep playoff run.
• Miami - still a year away from dominance. For one, they need a REAL quarterback. Once they get that, though....look out, rest of the division.
• NY Jets - WILL be good and might make the playoffs, but not good enough to beat the Patriots twice this year. Sanchez is likely the Rookie Of The Year, especially if he can get any semblance of a running game going behind him.
• Buffalo - Terrell Owens will have destroyed the team by the end of October.
• San Diego - when healthy, head and shoulder above the rest of the division. LT is due to return to form any day now, and Rivers to Gates is still a top tandem in the league.
• Denver – this team lost already simply for believing in Kyle Orton. If they also give up their best (and most troubled) receiver, then they're basement status. As it is, though, they're good enough to be second in THIS division, but not many others.
• Kansas City - ABSOLUTELY no offensive line and have lost their anchor in the offense with the departure of Tony Gonzales. Larry WHO? Exactly, that dude is so inconsistent and undependable that you can't even count on him to contribute this year.
• Oakland - will never win as long as Al Davis continues to runs the franchise into the dirt.
• Pittsburgh – have the swagger, the experience, the running game, and that defense. The ONLY thing that can derail them from yet another postseason appearance is injuries.
• Baltimore - will be VERY tough, and will likely play Pittsburgh in the AFC Championship. Baltimore is one of the only teams I can see going into Foxboro and winning with no problem. They will be very, very good, especially if Flacco continues to look like a veteran.
• Cincinnati - will be MUCH better than we think anybody realizes, especially on defense. We predict them to make the playoffs this year.
• Cleveland – will struggle to go 7-9, but will play most games very tough.
• Tennessee – their defense and running game will be great, again. No matter who the QB is, those two things might be enough to get them through the division. Jeff Fisher knows how to control his gameplan to be effective, that's why the Titans always get those "sneaky" wins to where you look up and they've won 12-10.
• Indianapolis –they’re a darkhorse...they COULD be good, but there are questions about the new defensive coordinator. I understand they've tinkered a bit with their standard Cover 2 4-3 alignment and will now blitz more heavily with their safeties and LBs to improve their pass rush and be better in 3rd and long situations.
• Jacksonville - will struggle and be supplanted by a team like Cincy. I have ALWAYS questioned David Garrard's leadership (even though he's a really nice, good guy) and I think the health bug will catch up with their running game this year. And their receivers are mad suspect.
• Houston - have to show me they have a CONSISTENT running game first this season before I consider them another team who could "supplant" a previously-considered annual contender (e.g., Jacksonville, Denver). I'll know first-hand, too, because I have Slaton on my fantasy team....
[Note: author is biased against the NFC East, and as such will not pick an individual team]
The NFC East is pretty much up for grabs. It all depends on which team emerges from underneath all their question marks:
• NY Giants – they COULD be world-beaters if they can move the ball down the field vertically. We know they can run but they have NO go-to receivers anymore. Their defense will be great, but not great enough to be on the field MORE than the offense.
• Philadelphia - could play in the Super Bowl this year….IF they can CONVERT IN THE %#@*&# RED ZONE (ahem…s’cuse me) and improve their defensive intensity. Omar Gaither was named starting MLB to replace Stewart Bradley. The Macho Harris Era begins with the offseason departure of Brian Dawkins. Write it down: Macho Harris will be a premier safety in the NFL within the next 2-3 years. Remember that you heard it from TNBL first.
• Dallas –yunno, they really ARE a good team, or at least, they SHOULD be better now that That Other idiot is gone. However, until they actually WIN in the playoffs we can’t give them the type of props to put them above the Eagles or the Giants. At least those two teams have BEEN there already, while Dallas hasn’t won a playoff game since the days of yesteryear…they’re like the Notre Dame of the NFL….
• Washington - will do what they always do…start strong, with Portis playing like an All Pro and Jason Campbell being accurate and effective. THEN, Portis will get injured, their defense (who to that point will have been playing great) will start giving up 30 and 40 points per contest, and by the end of the season they’ll be outta the playoff picture. Serves you right when you think you can simply throw money at a situation in order to win a title. Dan Snyder is such a loooo-HOOO-serrr-HERRRRR….
• Arizona - they win by default because the rest of the division is so craptacular. We WILL say this, though: there is NO WAY Kurt Warner stays healthy for the WHOLE year again.
• Seattle – is the only team who could actually SURPRISE people if they can put it all together. Arizona’s only competition in the division.
• St. Louis - has no defense whatsoever. Will score points themselves, but so what?
• San Francisco is not disciplined enough, especially on defense, and they STILL don’t have a QB. Also, Crabtree is only making it worse on himself by not being there.
• Minnesota - Don’t get us wrong…Green Bay OR Chicago can both win this division, as well. But a REAL QB is all Minnesota needed to not only win this division, but possibly win the entire NFC. Adrian Peterson wasn’t as INJURED last year as some had expected (he was hurt, but he bounced back quickly each time) and Minny might have the best offensive line AND defensive line in the league. All they needed was the THREAT of a passing game. And say what you want about Diva Brett, he KNOWS how to deliver in that regard, and he KNOWS how to win. It’s all they needed. We think they win 11 or 12 games this year.
• Green Bay – will be very good, may even be among the best. However, the bottom line is that we don’t think they’re going to beat Minnesota TWICE this season because Favre has been just ITCHING for almost three years to play the Packers, and we think he’s going to go absolutely berserk when he does face them. In fact, we think he’ll have his best games against them this year.
• Chicago - listen….when their defense is healthy, you HAVE to consider them serious contenders. That will be the case this year. Plus, with the emergence of Matt Forte and now the addition of Jay Cutler (and we’re sorry, but Cutler is FAR, FAR better than ANYBODY they’ve had in there in the last half a decade), they can control the clock AND score points with the deep ball.
…oh, you thought we forgot Detroit?…well, they are pretty forgettable. But we all know they ain’t gon’ do nothin’, so why kick ‘em while they’re down? Oh wait, we just did, didn’t we?
D’AH well….
• Atlanta – we pick them over Carolina only because we have ZERO confidence in Jake Delhomme. Turner is a stud and Gonzales will have a Pro Bowl year. Matt Ryan is said to look “better than he did last season.”
• Carolina - probably stronger defensively than Atlanta, and have ample weapons, but again, Delhomme is far too up and down in our opinions in order for them to win this division. He COULD surprise, but we’re not betting on him this time.
• New Orleans - will likely be rather one-dimensional, even though Drew Brees is far too underrated as one of the best QBs in the entire league. Also, one Brees injury and they’re straight toilet bowl status.
• Tampa Bay - has far too many QB issues for our tastes. Defense will be good but running game and receiving corps are question marks, as well.
We like the Pittsburgh Steelers to continue their dominance from last season, when they were ranked 1st or 2nd in almost every major defensive statistical category. To be sure, there are several teams (most notably, the Titans, Ravens, Cowboys and Vikings) whose defenses could be very good, but going wire to wire our money is on the defending champs.
Our division winners (listed first) and losers:
• New England – still the class of the division. Brady to Moss will still kill ANY team, and Belichick is still crafty enough to pull out the close ones. Should make a deep playoff run.
• Miami - still a year away from dominance. For one, they need a REAL quarterback. Once they get that, though....look out, rest of the division.
• NY Jets - WILL be good and might make the playoffs, but not good enough to beat the Patriots twice this year. Sanchez is likely the Rookie Of The Year, especially if he can get any semblance of a running game going behind him.
• Buffalo - Terrell Owens will have destroyed the team by the end of October.
• San Diego - when healthy, head and shoulder above the rest of the division. LT is due to return to form any day now, and Rivers to Gates is still a top tandem in the league.
• Denver – this team lost already simply for believing in Kyle Orton. If they also give up their best (and most troubled) receiver, then they're basement status. As it is, though, they're good enough to be second in THIS division, but not many others.
• Kansas City - ABSOLUTELY no offensive line and have lost their anchor in the offense with the departure of Tony Gonzales. Larry WHO? Exactly, that dude is so inconsistent and undependable that you can't even count on him to contribute this year.
• Oakland - will never win as long as Al Davis continues to runs the franchise into the dirt.
• Pittsburgh – have the swagger, the experience, the running game, and that defense. The ONLY thing that can derail them from yet another postseason appearance is injuries.
• Baltimore - will be VERY tough, and will likely play Pittsburgh in the AFC Championship. Baltimore is one of the only teams I can see going into Foxboro and winning with no problem. They will be very, very good, especially if Flacco continues to look like a veteran.
• Cincinnati - will be MUCH better than we think anybody realizes, especially on defense. We predict them to make the playoffs this year.
• Cleveland – will struggle to go 7-9, but will play most games very tough.
• Tennessee – their defense and running game will be great, again. No matter who the QB is, those two things might be enough to get them through the division. Jeff Fisher knows how to control his gameplan to be effective, that's why the Titans always get those "sneaky" wins to where you look up and they've won 12-10.
• Indianapolis –they’re a darkhorse...they COULD be good, but there are questions about the new defensive coordinator. I understand they've tinkered a bit with their standard Cover 2 4-3 alignment and will now blitz more heavily with their safeties and LBs to improve their pass rush and be better in 3rd and long situations.
• Jacksonville - will struggle and be supplanted by a team like Cincy. I have ALWAYS questioned David Garrard's leadership (even though he's a really nice, good guy) and I think the health bug will catch up with their running game this year. And their receivers are mad suspect.
• Houston - have to show me they have a CONSISTENT running game first this season before I consider them another team who could "supplant" a previously-considered annual contender (e.g., Jacksonville, Denver). I'll know first-hand, too, because I have Slaton on my fantasy team....
[Note: author is biased against the NFC East, and as such will not pick an individual team]
The NFC East is pretty much up for grabs. It all depends on which team emerges from underneath all their question marks:
• NY Giants – they COULD be world-beaters if they can move the ball down the field vertically. We know they can run but they have NO go-to receivers anymore. Their defense will be great, but not great enough to be on the field MORE than the offense.
• Philadelphia - could play in the Super Bowl this year….IF they can CONVERT IN THE %#@*&# RED ZONE (ahem…s’cuse me) and improve their defensive intensity. Omar Gaither was named starting MLB to replace Stewart Bradley. The Macho Harris Era begins with the offseason departure of Brian Dawkins. Write it down: Macho Harris will be a premier safety in the NFL within the next 2-3 years. Remember that you heard it from TNBL first.
• Dallas –yunno, they really ARE a good team, or at least, they SHOULD be better now that That Other idiot is gone. However, until they actually WIN in the playoffs we can’t give them the type of props to put them above the Eagles or the Giants. At least those two teams have BEEN there already, while Dallas hasn’t won a playoff game since the days of yesteryear…they’re like the Notre Dame of the NFL….
• Washington - will do what they always do…start strong, with Portis playing like an All Pro and Jason Campbell being accurate and effective. THEN, Portis will get injured, their defense (who to that point will have been playing great) will start giving up 30 and 40 points per contest, and by the end of the season they’ll be outta the playoff picture. Serves you right when you think you can simply throw money at a situation in order to win a title. Dan Snyder is such a loooo-HOOO-serrr-HERRRRR….
• Arizona - they win by default because the rest of the division is so craptacular. We WILL say this, though: there is NO WAY Kurt Warner stays healthy for the WHOLE year again.
• Seattle – is the only team who could actually SURPRISE people if they can put it all together. Arizona’s only competition in the division.
• St. Louis - has no defense whatsoever. Will score points themselves, but so what?
• San Francisco is not disciplined enough, especially on defense, and they STILL don’t have a QB. Also, Crabtree is only making it worse on himself by not being there.
• Minnesota - Don’t get us wrong…Green Bay OR Chicago can both win this division, as well. But a REAL QB is all Minnesota needed to not only win this division, but possibly win the entire NFC. Adrian Peterson wasn’t as INJURED last year as some had expected (he was hurt, but he bounced back quickly each time) and Minny might have the best offensive line AND defensive line in the league. All they needed was the THREAT of a passing game. And say what you want about Diva Brett, he KNOWS how to deliver in that regard, and he KNOWS how to win. It’s all they needed. We think they win 11 or 12 games this year.
• Green Bay – will be very good, may even be among the best. However, the bottom line is that we don’t think they’re going to beat Minnesota TWICE this season because Favre has been just ITCHING for almost three years to play the Packers, and we think he’s going to go absolutely berserk when he does face them. In fact, we think he’ll have his best games against them this year.
• Chicago - listen….when their defense is healthy, you HAVE to consider them serious contenders. That will be the case this year. Plus, with the emergence of Matt Forte and now the addition of Jay Cutler (and we’re sorry, but Cutler is FAR, FAR better than ANYBODY they’ve had in there in the last half a decade), they can control the clock AND score points with the deep ball.
…oh, you thought we forgot Detroit?…well, they are pretty forgettable. But we all know they ain’t gon’ do nothin’, so why kick ‘em while they’re down? Oh wait, we just did, didn’t we?
D’AH well….
• Atlanta – we pick them over Carolina only because we have ZERO confidence in Jake Delhomme. Turner is a stud and Gonzales will have a Pro Bowl year. Matt Ryan is said to look “better than he did last season.”
• Carolina - probably stronger defensively than Atlanta, and have ample weapons, but again, Delhomme is far too up and down in our opinions in order for them to win this division. He COULD surprise, but we’re not betting on him this time.
• New Orleans - will likely be rather one-dimensional, even though Drew Brees is far too underrated as one of the best QBs in the entire league. Also, one Brees injury and they’re straight toilet bowl status.
• Tampa Bay - has far too many QB issues for our tastes. Defense will be good but running game and receiving corps are question marks, as well.
Sports Extra: NFL Season Opener Preview - Titans vs. Steelers

It’s baaaack!
Yes, that couch-denting, beer belly inducing, artery-clogging fatty-snack-associated season is upon us, when the NFL is born anew! There are officially 31 teams equally footed (that is, ere’body is 0-0) with Super Bowl dreams. And yes, we here are TNBL realize there are actually 32 NFL teams, but c'mon, who REALLY counts Detroit?
To kick off 2009 in proper fashion, Thursday night’s season opener features the Tennessee Titans (13-3 in 2008) against the defending Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4 in 2008). The defending champs begin their title defense with this classic AFC rivalry game SIMMERING with subplots. AAAAAH…the undertones of this game make it the PERFECT season kickoff!
What? “Why?”?!? Is that what you just asked me? Dude, don’t you remember LAST season?
Travel with me back to Week 16….December 21, 2008. The Steelers lose to the Titans at Tennessee by the score of 31-14, in a game which was CHARGED with an electric playoff-like atmosphere. With the win, the Titans would claim the lead in the race for the top seed in the AFC. It was a violently hard-hitting, punishing game, with the Titans essentially bullying their way to the win…and then TAUNTING the Steelers afterwards.
What you may remember most was the camera catching several Titans players, led by RB LenDale White, stomping on a Steelers "Terrible Towel" on the sidelines in sheer disrespect, and overall mocking the Steelers smugly. Given that they lost the game and then also had to witness such blatant disses, it’s understandable that the STEELERS were pissed in their post-game interviews.
But the Steelers and the Titans never got the chance to play again afterwards. The Titans ended up losing to the Ravens in the divisional round of the playoffs, so the Steelers were never able to extract any measure of revenge. This will be the first time the two teams have met since THEN. The Steelers DEFINITELY remember those sideline antics, and would LOVE to meet over the middle to “chat” with Mr. White (and there damn sure won’t be tea served)….
…and this time they’re playing at Heinz Field…IN Pittsburgh.
Ohhhhhhh, momma….there’s gonna be alotta HARD HITTING FACTS in this one. Strap on the seat belts, people….
• Steelers are 38-29 all-time in the regular season vs the Titans (including when they were the Houston Oilers)
• Titans head coach Jeff Fisher is 12-7 against the Steelers in his career
• Pittsburgh's Mike Tomlin is 0-1 against both Fisher and Tennessee as a head coach.
Yes, that couch-denting, beer belly inducing, artery-clogging fatty-snack-associated season is upon us, when the NFL is born anew! There are officially 31 teams equally footed (that is, ere’body is 0-0) with Super Bowl dreams. And yes, we here are TNBL realize there are actually 32 NFL teams, but c'mon, who REALLY counts Detroit?
To kick off 2009 in proper fashion, Thursday night’s season opener features the Tennessee Titans (13-3 in 2008) against the defending Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers (12-4 in 2008). The defending champs begin their title defense with this classic AFC rivalry game SIMMERING with subplots. AAAAAH…the undertones of this game make it the PERFECT season kickoff!
What? “Why?”?!? Is that what you just asked me? Dude, don’t you remember LAST season?
Travel with me back to Week 16….December 21, 2008. The Steelers lose to the Titans at Tennessee by the score of 31-14, in a game which was CHARGED with an electric playoff-like atmosphere. With the win, the Titans would claim the lead in the race for the top seed in the AFC. It was a violently hard-hitting, punishing game, with the Titans essentially bullying their way to the win…and then TAUNTING the Steelers afterwards.
What you may remember most was the camera catching several Titans players, led by RB LenDale White, stomping on a Steelers "Terrible Towel" on the sidelines in sheer disrespect, and overall mocking the Steelers smugly. Given that they lost the game and then also had to witness such blatant disses, it’s understandable that the STEELERS were pissed in their post-game interviews.
But the Steelers and the Titans never got the chance to play again afterwards. The Titans ended up losing to the Ravens in the divisional round of the playoffs, so the Steelers were never able to extract any measure of revenge. This will be the first time the two teams have met since THEN. The Steelers DEFINITELY remember those sideline antics, and would LOVE to meet over the middle to “chat” with Mr. White (and there damn sure won’t be tea served)….
…and this time they’re playing at Heinz Field…IN Pittsburgh.
Ohhhhhhh, momma….there’s gonna be alotta HARD HITTING FACTS in this one. Strap on the seat belts, people….
• Steelers are 38-29 all-time in the regular season vs the Titans (including when they were the Houston Oilers)
• Titans head coach Jeff Fisher is 12-7 against the Steelers in his career
• Pittsburgh's Mike Tomlin is 0-1 against both Fisher and Tennessee as a head coach.
Jewelry Heist Gone Wrong....Straight Comedy!
Look for these guys to make an appearance soon on World’s Dumbest Criminals…an attempted robbery at a jewelry store goes awry when the stunned clerks decide to fight back:
FIRST of all…how do you own a jewelry store and NOT a gun? These fools are spraying the crooks with FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. You got several thousand dollars worth of inventory and you’re NOT strapped behind the counter? (That’s something I always respected about pawn shops, you even THINK of trying something and it’s a wrap, even the old lady in the back counting the MONEY is gonna pull out a piece….)
Secondly, and even WORSE, how are you gonna run up in the jewelry store all Billy Bad Ass with sledgehammers – like y’all about to straight wreak havoc and cause destruction, smashing the glass doors all dramatically and whatnot - and yet turn tail and run like scared little schoolchildren….from a FIRE EXTINGUISHER?
Let this be a lesson to all you dimwitted delinquents out there….don’t do the crime if…yunno…you aren’t gonna ACTUALLY do the damn crime….
FIRST of all…how do you own a jewelry store and NOT a gun? These fools are spraying the crooks with FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. You got several thousand dollars worth of inventory and you’re NOT strapped behind the counter? (That’s something I always respected about pawn shops, you even THINK of trying something and it’s a wrap, even the old lady in the back counting the MONEY is gonna pull out a piece….)
Secondly, and even WORSE, how are you gonna run up in the jewelry store all Billy Bad Ass with sledgehammers – like y’all about to straight wreak havoc and cause destruction, smashing the glass doors all dramatically and whatnot - and yet turn tail and run like scared little schoolchildren….from a FIRE EXTINGUISHER?
Let this be a lesson to all you dimwitted delinquents out there….don’t do the crime if…yunno…you aren’t gonna ACTUALLY do the damn crime….
Saturday, September 5, 2009
FEATURE: “He/She Got Game”…Is The Art Of Courtship Dead?

Men, we ALL got those homies who stay braggin’ about how many women they know or associate with, the types who’re proud that they have a full roster of honeys in their phone logs…the type of dudes whose egos arrive in the room before THEY do.
Ladies, what about that homegirl that brags about how one dude “won’t stop callin’”, how another paid for her hair and nails, and how a third even paid her electric and phone bills?
Growing up, ere’body and they momma thinks they’re a “mack” or a “pimp” at some point (and yes, women can be macks, too). Having “game” – or, an ability to entice and induce members of the opposite sex to succumb to your will – is considered essential to your whole steez as a young person, ‘cause NOBODY wants to be looked at as someone with an inability to attract the opposite sex…or, “weak game”. This has been a staple of my generation’s thinking for decades, and continues to be for the younger generations of today.
But at what cost? The lost art of courting – the act of wooing the opposite sex by genuinely and honestly seeking their affections upon your initial meetings - has been a tragic by-product of this “quest for the conquest”. Be real…when a dude brings a woman flowers, for example, OTHER dudes consider that a “corny” gesture, and may even give him a tough time for it. He’s reminded that he’s “going soft”….that his “game is lame”…that his “mackin’ is lackin’”….that he’s “simpin’ wit’ his “pimpin’”….errruhh, you get the idea.
“The Game (And We Don’t Mean Kelsey Grammar’s Show)…”
I once had a female co-worker tell me:
“Women HAVE to play games with men…that’s how we weed out the good ones from the bad ones.”
Wow….so now being dishonest and manipulating his thinking while he still doesn’t know you is supposed to ENDEAR you to him? That’s what’s hot in the streets, men and women thinkin’ you can build something solid with another person after you’ve TRICKED them for the first few weeks/months of y’all knowin’ each other? How can you ever know the REAL essence of someone if you have to keep guessing who they are every so often?
“Playing the game” – aka, being deceitful, misleading or otherwise representing yourself in a manner that isn’t ACTUALLY a true depiction or representation of yourself for the purpose of appealing to, or making yourself seem attractive to, someone of the opposite sex – seems to be accepted as being “part of the deal” when you’re engaged in mackin’ the opposite sex. The ideology dictates that you partake in these illusory practices because “that’s just the way it is…”
COME ON, people…that whole sensibility is so wastefully retarded. Like, the entire premise behind doing it flies in the face of, and works to defeat, its purported ultimate GOAL, which is to find somebody that truthfully makes you happy. Me? I’m married. Happily. But my co-worker friend’s line of thinking reminds me of exactly WHY I got married in the first place.
“You’ve Got The Job!”
New millennium courting is akin to applying for a job. First of all, the person you’re interested in has to be HIRING. If they’re not taking apps, you’re wasting your time. Second, you have to be a qualified employee…do you have all the required qualifications to fill the position? There may be more people than just YOU employed there….how do you go about setting yourself apart from the pack such that you claim that Employee Of The Month/Year title and take that job completely off the market?
Point being, it’s a process that involves lots of “sleight of hand”, if you will, as you maneuver yourself towards getting completely on that person’s good side. Hence, my chief problem with the game…at what point do you STOP playing the role and start truly showing that person the REAL you? Like, when do you ”turn it off”? What if you do it too late? Like, you put some poor soul through the ringer to see if he (or she) will “pass the test” or whatever, and then you deem them “worthy” of your time, but suddenly they’re no longer interested because you played too many games to start off with?
“The Choice Is Yooooours…”
When considered in this light, it becomes clear that “playing the game” will NEVER net you a long-term mate who generates enough serious potential such that it makes you want to marry them. I mean, how CAN it? If everyone is putting on airs and playing roles in order to make themselves look good enough to be given CONSIDERATION for long-term commitment, once the relationship begins isn’t the entire foundation of that relationship based on a lie? You can’t build a foundation with faulty materials….
The game is stupid because it’s unnecessary. True communication will always win out over running game, especially the direct approach to communicating. For instance, men will typically string women along until the point when the woman lets him get intimate with her...then he may lose interest or otherwise stop acting as caring and attentive as he initially did. If your SOLE intent is to be with someone for “fun”, then make that known off the top. See, most men don’t do that because they THINK a woman won’t be agreeable to it, as well...when oftentimes, most women would rather you be honest about your expectations up front than string her along and cause her to start falling for you, only for her to discover later that you got three more just LIKE her. Both men AND women should give that other person the benefit of the doubt that they will be able to deal with a direct, HONEST approach upfront.
The bottom line is…if you’re in the market for a mate, you’re gonna hafta carefully weigh those options. Do you wanna go through the same ol’, same ol’ and end up disillusioned, or are you gonna keep it REAL, a whole hunnid, and upfront with the person you’re interested in?
Black Sheep done already TOLDEDED y’all: the choice is yours.
(Just don’t come crying when you discover that he really DOESN’T own a condo and actually sleeps in his momma’s basement…AND that he’s $300 behind on his rent to her….)
SIDEBAR: The Science Of The Pick-Up Line

You got dudes who’re always thinking they have to act a certain way, or say certain THINGS, in order to approach women. Like they ain’t gonna be successful any other way…no matter HOW many times you tell him that he’s on straight Ringling Bros. status, sounding like a major clown.
Seriously, do pick up lines even WORK anymore? In other words, can a guy still come up to a female and say something SO profoundly clever and appealing that it instantly causes her to develop an interest and/or desire to pursue things further?
Sure, it’s POSSIBLE. But it damn sure ain’t the norm anymore. Women these days are too smart to fall for some silly come-on and, with guys forever using the lamest possible pick-up lines ever conceived, they’re not making the situation any better….or making it any easier on themselves to get the digits.
Here are, in no particular order, the 20 corniest, most worn-out, absolute WORST pick-up lines sure to make a woman laugh out loud in your face…or throw a cup of hot coffee in your lap (and please, feel free to comment on any others you’ve heard that you think may be worse):
1. "Hey do you have any (Black, White, Latino, Asian, etc.) in you?" "You WANT some?"
2. "Did you wash them jeans in Windex? Because I can see myself in your pants…"
3. "If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"
4. "Are your parents from Iraq? Because I think you're the BOMB!"
5. “Did it hurt? Yunno, when you fell from Heaven?”
6. "If you're left leg was Thanksgiving, and your right was Christmas, would you mind if I visited you between the holidays?"
7. "I forgot my phone number. Can I have yours?"
8. "Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes.”
9. "I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away."
10. "Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?"
11. [Asks to look at her shirt tag] "Baby, I was just checkin' to see if you were made in Heaven."
12. “Nice dress! It would look GREAT on the floor next to my bed.”
13. “Nice jewelry! It would look GREAT on my nightstand.”
14. [Sticks a rose in her face] “I just wanted to show this rose how pretty YOU were…”
15. “I'd look good on you.”
16. “I'm new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?”
17. “Girl, you MUST be tired…’cause you've been running through my mind all night.”
18. “Your place or mine?”
19. “Bond...JAMES Bond…..”
…and of course, the ever-popular:
20. “Look here, baby...why don’t you go ‘head and gimme your number before I don’t want it no more…”
Hey, here’s some advice that can NEVER fail….just be yourself. In the end, you doing you is the only way to truly represent and convey that which makes you a REAL prime candidate.
Unless you’re a dweeb...in which case, act like Denzel in Out Of Time, he was pretty schmoove in that flick….
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